Application to become member

Application for Membership
  • Your details
  • Boat Details
  • Proposer & Seconder
  • Skills & Volunteering
    • Submit your application


    For Full or Family Membership, you will require two existing members to propose and second you. They must be personally acquainted with you/your family and both will be required to fill in our online form supporting your application.

    If you do not know two club members, we can offer a period of Temporary Membership to enable you time to meet other members who will support your Full Membership application.

    I am applying for:
    I would like Temporary Membership for:

    Membership Type

    What type of membership do you wish to apply for? *

    First person

    This will be the Primary contact


    Please indicate if you consent to the club *

    Second person

    This person must live at the same address at the first person.
    What relationship are you to Person 2?
    This must be a different email address to that of the First Person on this application or left blank
    Please indicate if this person consents to the club

    Please read our statement on the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR) – click the down arrow

    Please enter details of your child(ren)

    I give consent to the club using images of

    Cadet Membership declaration

    Risk Statement: Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By going afloat as a Cadet Member, you agree and acknowledge that:

    1. You are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and you accept responsibility for exposing yourself to such inherent risk whilst afloat
    2. You will comply at all times with the instructions of the skipper/training co-ordinator/race officer particularly
      with regard to handling of boats, wearing of suitable buoyancy aids and clothing
    3. You accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by your own negligence
    4. You will respond to other risks that may be drawn to your attention by a training co-ordinator/race officer.

    Misconduct: You understand the Club Rules and Byelaws. You know that Cadet Members are responsible for their own behaviour whilst on Club premises and/or using Club facilities (Byelaw 15.2)

    Acceptance *