Club Launches
The club has two launches, Prawn and Shrimp, which are provided for those club members with cruising yachts moored on the Hamble and are available for use on a 24 hour a day basis to check your vessel or run stores and gear etc. Prawn the larger launch (diesel engine) is substantial enough to tow boats to and from their moorings in the event of mechanical failure, whereas Shrimp has a 15hp outboard.
Members who wish to make use of the club launches must hold a PB2 qualification, this can be achieved by attending one of our PB2 courses or by booking a direct assessment. Please contact for more information. If you already hold a PB2 qualification you are required to complete the Application Form and pay the annual launch fee, currently £43.20, (plus £8 for a key to the key box) for the period October to September. Once signed up to use the launches, the launch fee will be taken annually by direct debit and the period will run from 1 October through to 30 September, in line with membership subscription.
The Rear Commodore Sailing or an approved instructor will go through the use of the launches with the member.
Everyone using a launch MUST wear a buoyancy aid or life jacket.
Time limits
- Monday to Thursday 3 hours max
- Friday, Saturday and Sunday 2 hours max October- March
- Friday, Saturday and Sunday 1½ hour max April- September
Members must fill in the log book held in the key box with their name, time of drawing the key and mobile phone number. They must ensure that the keys are promptly returned at the end of the period of use, not forgetting to fill in the time of returning the key and also any problems/faults or damage.